Icarus Driver Block Erupter Download Mac

1. ASIC Bitcoin Miner USB2. Gekkoscience Compac USB3. Avalon Nano 3

Bitcoins are generated using the process called mining. If your computer is given a complex mathematical problem to solve then the goal is a 64 digit number. If your miner can solve that algorithm problem, Congratulations; you are now a proud owner of the new block, and you will be rewarded with Bitcoins.

The network automatically adjusts the difficulty of mining so that bitcoins are created roughly for every 10 minutes. The reason why they call it mining is that there is a set number of bitcoins that can ever be mined in the system. There are only 21 million bitcoins that can ever be created in the system in total.You are digging it out of the system like precious metals from some mathematical mine.

Bitcoin users are connected through the network and together, they set up a network that processes and checks all bitcoin transactions in a public ledger called the blockchain thus eliminating the need for a central bank since all the users together are the bank. Thus reducing the very need for a bank.

Therefore, the creation of GPU started, but as Bitcoin began to rise in popularity, more users started to enroll in the network thus creating difficulty in obtaining a bitcoin. Which led to the invention of ASIC chips that stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit where it is designed specifically to break or solve the algorithm of Bitcoin which is the SHA-256 algorithm. So basically these chips cannot be used for anything else such as games etc but are made to be used for solving the algorithm in the most power efficient manner.

BFGMiner 5.5.0 is a modular cryptocurrency miner written in C. BFGMiner has the ability to dynamically clock, monitor and remotely interface. Pros: powerful miner with many features, cross-platform, including Raspberry Pi Cons: GPUs are not supported, suitable for more advanced users Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux Unlike CGminer, BFGminer is designed specifically for FPGA and ASIC. Needs testing with: AntMiner U1: BSD Linux Mac Windows AntMiner U2: BSD Linux Mac Windows AntMiner U3: BSD Linux Mac Windows Block Erupter: BSD Linux Mac Windows Cairnsmore1: BSD Linux Mac Windows DualMiner scrypt: BSD Linux Mac Windows DualMiner SHA2: BSD Linux Mac Windows Icarus: BSD Linux Mac Windows Lancelot: BSD Linux Mac Windows ZeusMiner: BSD Linux Mac. Block Erupter with Mac OSX Block Erupters were introduced as a cheap way to get started with ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) devices. They are around $40 and get around 333 Mh/s. To use bfgminer with USB, the CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP driver must be installed. DO NOT use this driver.

Top 5 Best USB Bitcoin Miners 2020

Icarus driver block erupter download mac download

1. ASIC Bitcoin Miner USB

Sapphire Block Erupters were the first ever miners to be created. Releasing the power of 330Mh/s of hash power, the user would be able to receive nothing less than $0.01/month thus not enough to earn profitability.

Relation to the ASIC bitcoin miner USB, it generates a power of 25 gigahash/second which is, nowadays; almost nothing but not that much due to the rise in difficulty of obtaining the Bitcoins. The device will need active cooling as it gets hot due to the processing i.e 80 degrees on the heatsink. So how does it work?

  • Firstly, you insert the device into the computer, download the drivers, download the mining software which is the CG minor.
  • Inform the software with a batch file on the BTC address, where it should send the payment to and to perform either a solo or pool mining and setting the frequency in which you can run it depending on the frequency you get more hash rate with higher power consumption or less hash rate with low power consumption.
  • You will be then ready to mine.

2. Gekkoscience Compac USB stick

The GekkoScience miners are a bit better than the Sapphire Block Erupters. Weighing about 0.8 ounces with a power efficiency of 0.33 W/Gh; its mining capacity is 9.5 Gh/s. Earning $0.15/month, the user will attain more than a dollar per annually. It is a silent device with a single USB port.

While using this hardware, it can perform up to 15GH/s where its performance can increase if it was to be overclocked. Electricity generated will take about 3 watts which is smaller than LED bulb, therefore, cost cents or even lower per month, thus it’s practically free to run plus there is a chance that a profit can be made i.e a dollar plus 10 cents/ month. So how does it work?:

  • Plug the device into the computer and run the software
  • Before running, download the CG Minor available online.
  • Once it’s downloaded, go to slushpool.com
  • Create a username and very own worker ID
  • Open the software, change the .DAT file specifically to the slush pool address with the user ID and the sub-user which is the worker name
  • Once you are finished, set up the frequency i.e 140-150 degrees is the standard frequency or if it is too hot, reduce the temperature. Depends on the cool environment which you are working on, thus overclocking it
  • Start the software and plug in the USB.
  • Register for a mining pool, change the setting to your very own pool
  • Start mining.

3. Avalon Nano 3

Being a miner of 3.6GH/s, its specifics are insufficient to earn high profits but rather earn just enough to cover the network costs.

The steps are pretty straightforward compared to the other devices mentioned before, as the USB is only being required to be plugged into the computer but the only problem would be earning a dollar per year. People would not be patient enough to sit every day and earn a dollar for a year.

The advantage of this device is that the use of a fan is not required so it does signify that it would not heat up as much as an ASIC or Gekko device would but on the other hand, it is time-consuming to earn. However, it is a good practice in terms of earning bitcoin but cannot be used more than that.

4. Bitmain Antrouter R1 Wifi Solo Bitcoin Miner

We cannot really compare this device to a miner but it is similar to it. One perk would be it’s low cost and having a low GH/s at a rate of 5.5 GH/s, it would be able to generate a profit of more than a dollar in a year. This is more helpful compared to the Avalon Nano 3.

The plus side is it works as a wireless router, so you can do some mining while providing internet for all your devices. The network will not block coverage for other devices, therefore, provide availability and not create a nuisance.

This device can only mine using Bitcoin script, meaning you are competing with mining pools that have much larger setups. If you are serious about making money mining Bitcoin, you cannot afford to have a miner doing under 2 TH/s. That’s why the Bitmain Antrouter R1 is perfect for those that are a bit more serious about their mining.

5. 21 Bitcoin Computer

The 21 Bitcoin Computer isn’t considered as a Bitcoin miner, however, it plugins to your computer via USB. In terms of $/hash rate, it’s not a very good choice.

Having to use this option is not as popular as such since the Bitcoin was only profitable in the early years before the competition has risen over the years. Investing in hardcore hardware or buying bitcoins is more suitable.

First, I doubt, for a fact, that this machine will return back the investments spend on the initial cost and running expenditure. Second, it is not the answer in which we are looking for to invest in to earn big bucks but rather earn enough just to support the network but all the more, it is an interesting concept. To those users who have lack of knowledge in the usage and set up, there are clear tutorials that are taught in order for the users to know on how to use the device, especially to those users who have zero experience in coding.


While understanding each device and its perks and drawbacks, I suggest that the recommendable device or the best USB bitcoin miner to be used would be the Gekkoscience Compac USB stick bitcoin miner as these devices are fast for USB stick miners. As in, 20 GH/s (with tuning) fast. You can get plenty of support in their forums and they even have a few example setups to work with. Reasonable price, compared to inflation on other sources. Other devices seem to be useful in their own way but generally, a device which operates on lower costs, easy to setup and brings back good output is definitely the option to be taken.

With the new rise of Bitcoin prices yet again more and more people invest in buying coins and mining hardware. This drives the prices up, not only of the coins themselves but the hardware too.
There are still people who consider bitcoin as a learning process, hobby or simply don't have the money to invest thousands of Euros in mining hardware, but would like to mine efficiently. The solution can be the Block Erupter Bitcoin miner.

Block Erupter is a small USB ASIC miner (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) that consumes very low power and gives a reasonable hash rate in return (roughly half of that of a modern GPU, but at a fraction of the cost!). It is small, 'plug and play' and makes a perfect gift or hobby investment for enthusiasts.
In Europe the price of these miners has climbed quite strong after the price of Bitcoins went high (800-1000€ range), a Block Erupter was selling for around 25€ at the beginning of November where it is selling at around 75€ at mid December.

Technical Specifications

Connection: USB port
Hash Rate: 300-336 MH/s
Price: Varies, cheapest new devices is ~50€ as of 2013 Dec 15 (ebay)
Additional: Green LED indicates the status (LED on=standby, LED blinking=share is found/hashing)
(Reference see [1])

Mining with cgminer

In this example I will describe how to mine using cgminer[2] software under Ubuntu 12.10. If your Ubuntu is newer, it is not a problem, the steps should also work on the newer system.
The device is 'plug and play' under Linux, it doesn't require any drivers to be installed (unlike in Windows) so it is pretty easy to set up. Individual problems (missing packages and such) may arise during installation, however these are rather easy to solve. If you are having problems, leave a comment and I will get back to you ASAP to find the problem and help you get going.
  1. Download the latest cgminer.tar version from: http://ck.kolivas.org/apps/cgminer/
  2. Open a terminal (CTRL+T) and navigate to your download folder, by default
    cd Downloads
  3. Untar the file
    tar -xjvf cgminer-x.x.x.tar.bz2
  4. Go into the newly created directory
    cd cgminer-x.x.x.tar.bz2
  5. ./configure --enable-icarus
  6. If you got any errors at the end of configuration, check them and see what package(s) are you missing. Install them with sudo apt-get install <package-name> OR from the synaptic package manager (sudo synaptic from he terminal)
    After eliminating the errors run
    sudo make && sudo make install
  7. Copy the example configuration file into a new configuration file that contains your pool's details.
    cp example.conf yourconfig.conf
  8. Now edit the config file you just created. This will have lines in it with pool address, worker name and passwords. Fill these out and save them.
    gedit yourconfig.conf
  9. Then to run cgminer, but note that you have to be root in order for Ubuntu to recognize the USB miner, so
    sudo cgminer --config yourconfig.conf
  10. Alternatively, if you do not want to use a config file you can also run cgminer with
    sudo cgminer -o pooladdress:port -u minername -p port
Block Erupter mining under my Ubuntu machine


Icarus Driver Block Erupter Download Mac Download

Now the down side, the Block Erupter gets hot in normal operating conditions. And by hot I mean HOT. After about 5 minutes of testing it almost burned my finger when I touched it. Hence it is advised to invest into cooling to prolong the lifetime of the miner.

  • Powered USB Hub (each Block Erupter requires ~0.5A)
  • Cooling fan
  • Heat sinks
  • OPTIONAL: Raspberry Pi to control the miner(s)

Powered USB Hub

Make sure it can supply enough power to the miners. Each miner takes 0.5A at 5V DC giving 2.5 Watts of power consumption (Power=Voltage*Current). Hence a 5 USB port hub should get at least 5*0.5A=2.5A of current in order to supply enough power if 5 miners are connected. Even better, it is advised to get one with a slightly higher rating, say 3A supply for 5 miners. On the other side if you need 2.5A and you only have 2, it won't work.


Generally preferred in power electronics as there are no components to fail (in the cooling system). Efficiency is lower than that of forced air or liquid cooling, but the miner should be built so that it can function out of the box as well. Although I doubt that the Block Erupter would live too long if running extensively without some cooling measures.
Forced Air Cooling
Installing a small fan to provide airflow over the miner is a common technique. USB fans are the easiest to use as they are 'plug and play', however it is going to take 1 of the USB ports
A12V DC CPU fan can also do the job, and most likely provide better cooling performance as well. However, a CPU fan requires a separate 12V DC power supply. While practically it can run off from 5V DC, the airflow will be severely limited.
I have seen many people using a fan such as this one, I assume it does a nice job.

Personal Experience

I have decided to cover the top of my Block Erupter in heat sinks to increase heat transfer to the environment. I have ordered some small Copper heat sinks from eBay with some thermal paste sticker on the back for easy application. I will mount these on the front side of my miner and then direct a small USB fan on it as well. I hope to keep the temperature of the miner as low as possible using this method.
USB fan (source:Amazon.com)

Update: Unfortunately, my heat sinks didn't arrive from eBay so I have decided to give up this plan. Instead I have found a small USB fan I bought previously that I can use here. (see image on the left)
The fan produces quite a strong air flow so I have decided to have a go at it.
I have removed the outer case so I am left with the inside only that allows me to better direct the airflow over the Block Erupter.
It is a little noisy, but I am running it in the basement so it doesn't bother anyone.
This fan keeps the ASIC miner at room temperature without any problem, it doesn't heat anywhere as much as without the fan.
As a footnote I noticed that when operating the miner from a USB port on my laptop it heats up much faster than when powering it via an USB hub. Also I noticed that (at least when plugged into my laptop) the miner heats up even when I am not mining with it, LED lighting.


Is it worth to buy a Bloc Erupter? It depends why you want to buy it. It could be considered more of a hobby rather than a serious income. With the ~300 MH/s one will not get rich, it is just enough to make up for the price of electricity and the initial investment.

Icarus Driver Block Erupter Download Mac Os

Unfortunately I do not have any data on the lifetime of the small miners, nor could I find anything related online. So I cannot clearly state whether they are worth their money (on a purely economical basis) or not. I will record my progress of using my Block Erupter and update this article depending on my findings. One thing is for sure, it is a fun thing to have around, showing your support and liking of the Bitcoin community and possibly spreading the word about Bitcoins to your friends.


[1] - http://www.blockerupter.co.uk/
[2] - http://ck.kolivas.org/apps/cgminer/