Download Maven 3.2.5 Mac

  1. Apache Maven 3.6.1 Download
  2. Download Maven 3.2.5 Mac Tutorial
  3. Maven 3.3.9 Download
  4. Maven 3.1 Download

The Apache Maven team would like to announce the release of Maven 3.5.4

Maven 3.5.4 is available for download.

In the preceding steps, we discussed the steps to download Maven from its official website. We will now discuss installing Maven using brew. Brew is a popular application on Mac OS X to install open source software. If you have brew installed on your Mac OS X, run the following command to install Maven.

Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project’s build, reporting and documentation from a central place.

Audio Record Pro 3.2.5 MAC OSX P2P 14 MB The app is easy to record computer audio, online music, software audio, iTunes audio and mic audio. The app can record internet calls, such as Skype call or other chat software. The app can edit recorded audio file ( ID3,. The Maven installation is essentially a set of JAR files, configuration files, and a Mac OS X shell script, namely mvn. The mvn command essentially runs this script. It first checks for JAVAHOME.This file is present in the bin folder of the Maven installation and, hence, it needs to be in PATH. If the shell script does not find JAVAHOME, it looks for Java in its PATH. Maven 3.2.5 is available for download. Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project’s build, reporting and documentation from a central place. Maven 3.0 has now reached its end of life. New plugin releases will require Maven 3.1 or later. The following information is made available for reference.

The core release is independent of the plugins available. Further releases of plugins will be made separately. See the PluginList for more information.

We hope you enjoy using Maven! If you have any questions, please consult:

  • the web site:
  • the maven-user mailing list:
  • the reference documentation:

Reporters and Contributors of this release

Apache Maven 3.6.1 Download

We really value the contributions of these non committers, so this section is focused on those individuals. Descriptions of the issues fixed can be found at the end of these release notes.


  • MNG-6370 reporter and contributor: Sylwester Lachiewicz
  • MNG-6382 reporter: Falko Modler
  • MNG-6388 reporter: Mike Kelly
  • MNG-6410 reporter and contributor: Łukasz Dywicki


  • MNG-5756 reporter: Jarkko Rantavuori contributor: eis
  • MNG-5940 contributor: Florian Brunner
  • MNG-6411 reporter and contributor: Łukasz Dywicki

Dependency Upgrades:

  • MNG-6344 reporter and contributor: Sylwester Lachiewicz

Many thanks to all reporters and contributors for their time and support.

Preliminary Testers

Thank you also for your time and feedback.

Known Issues

At the time of release, there are no known regressions introduced by this release

Download Maven 3.2.5 Mac Tutorial


Overview about the changes


This release is primarily aimed to resolve the two regressions introduced in the 3.5.3 release, specifically MNG-6372 and MNG-6388.

There are some additional minor improvements, the most notable of which is:

  • The Maven Super POM changes the default execution of the maven-source-pluginjar goal into jar-no-fork which should resolve some issues complex projects had running releases.


  • MNG-6370ConcurrencyDependencyGraph#getNumberOfBuilds() does not remove finished projects from unfinished ones
  • MNG-6372 On Windows Maven can output spurious ANSI escapes such as [0m [0m
  • MNG-6382 JANSI fails frequently with NumberFormatException when building in parallel
  • MNG-6386${project.baseUri} is not a valid URI (according to RFC 3986)
  • MNG-6388 Error Fetching Artifacts: “[B cannot be cast to java.lang.String
  • MNG-6403Artifact#VERSION_FILE_PATTERN does not escape period between date and time
  • MNG-6410 Add groupId to --resume-from suggestion if artifactId is not unique in reactor


  • MNG-5756 Java home output in mvn -v is misleading
  • MNG-5940 Change the maven-source-pluginjar goal into jar-no-fork in Maven Super POM
  • MNG-6362 Add documentation information for GitHub
  • MNG-6363 Remove secret thread configuration property from code
  • MNG-6364 Enhanced Jenkinsfile to test Core with JDK 9
  • MNG-6411 Improve readability of project list returned when --resume-from option value is invalid


  • MNG-6377 switch from Git-WIP to Gitbox

Dependency upgrades

Maven 3.3.9 Download

  • MNG-6344 Upgrade Guice to 4.2.0
  • MNG-6423 Upgrade to Wagon 3.1.0

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system.

Complete Release Notes

Maven 3.1 Download

See complete release notes for all versions